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Review of Techniques and Algorithms of Load Balancing in Cloud Computing




Cloud Computing , Load Balancing, Load Balancing Algorithm, Round Robin Algorithm, ESCE, Throttled Algorithm, Min-Min Algorithm, Max-Min Algorithm


 Cloud computing has transformed the IT industry by enabling convenient access to data, programs, and files over the Internet. A variety of load balancing algorithms, including Round Robin, ESCE, Min-Min, Max-Min, and Throttled, are covered in the discussion along with their effects on throughput, fault tolerance, scalability, and overhead. The literature review stresses the dynamic nature of the cloud computing landscape by highlighting important contributions from scholars. Additionally, the study identifies issues in cloud services, such as automated service provisioning, virtual machine migration, energy management, stored data management, and the growth of small data centers. Even though cloud computing has become widely used, these difficulties highlight the continued need for innovation in the industry.

Author Biographies

  • Naman Chauhan, COER University, Roorkee.

    Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Application

  • Dr. Gesu Thakur, COER University, Roorkee.

    Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Application

  • Dr. Ankush Joshi, COER University, Roorkee.

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Application

  • Vikash Kumar, COER University, Roorkee.

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Application

  • Anuj Kumar, COER University, Roorkee.

    Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Application


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How to Cite

Chauhan, N., Thakur, D. . G. ., Joshi, D. A. ., Kumar, V. ., & Kumar, A. . (2024). Review of Techniques and Algorithms of Load Balancing in Cloud Computing. Journal of Recent Innovations in Computer Science and Technology, 1(1).